Thursday, December 17, 2015

Extra Credit

1. Explain what happened to the man that was killed by the subway and how the photographer was able to take the photo.

  • He was reportedly pushed onto the tracks at 12:30pm by a panhandler who had been harassing passersby. The Photographer tried to help the man by taking pictures hoping that the driver would see the flashes and be able to stop.

2. Why did the photographer say he took the photo?

  • Hoping the driver i the train would see the flashes of the camera and be able to stop in time the photographer started taking pictures.

3. Do you think the photographer should have taken the photo?

  • No, i think the photographer should have try to help the man get out of there. H should have tried his best and all his strength. 

4. Do you think the photographer did the best thing he could have done in this situation? Why or why not?

  • No, because if he had used all his strength he could have gotten the man out of there. He could have scream for help and try to get the man out in time.

5. Do you agree or disagree with the decision to run the photo on the front page of the New York Post? Explain why or why not.

  • I agree so people can se how bad and mean someone can be.

6. What is more important to a photojournalist, capturing images of life as it happens or stopping bad things from happening? Why or why not?

  • Is more important to capture images of life as it happens because that is their job. Their work is to take pictures of bad things. it's either helping another and not get money to support themselves and family or let another die or get hurt and be successful at their job.

7. Do you think it is ever ethically acceptable for a photographer to involve himself/herself in a situation that he or she photographs? Explain why or why not.

  • No, because humans are suppose to help each other out. If we don't take care of one another nothing else will. People who do this have no heart and someday they will need help and there won't be someone to help them.

8. Should photojournalists always avoid influencing events as they happen? Explain your answer.

  • Not always. If there is a chance for them to take pictures of something or someone who someone else will hop probably that would be a good time but they should always try o help.

9. After reading the responses from the professional photographers, what stands out as the most appropriate response for a photographer to this situation.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


First Viodeo
In the first video they put a lot of make up on the girls face to cover all the imperfections and make her pretty. They also curled her hair and when she was looking pretty they decided that it wasn't pretty enough so they photo shopped her pictures and made her cheeks skinnier, her neck longer, her eyes bigger, and also reshaped her lips.

Second Video
They put a lot of make up on her and also changed her entire body. They made her legs longer, her neck longer too, and changed her skin color to a more lighter skin color.
Third Video
In this video they made a really fat woman into a very skinny one. They also added hair to her head and put more lighting into the picture so her skin looks lighter.

4. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like these in a photo? Why or why not?

  • For famous companies it is okay to change a person's appearances because even if it is face they need very good looking people as the face of the company to attract more people to the company.

5. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?

  • Yes, when someone post a picture on internet or when they use it for an important paper they have to use a picture that looks exactly like them because they could get in trouble.

 6. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?

  • The types that someone is just making their skin a little better or putting a little bit of make up on to not look too bad.
  • To change a person's face completely is wrong. Also change they way their body is.

7. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.

  • Fashion Photography is more about fake pictures and seems everything look amazing.
  • Photojournalism is more about real things it covers real stories and focuses more in whats true and whats natural and real.

8. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?

  • Fashion affects our reality by putting examples of something that woman in general cannot reach in real life.

9. Why do you think I am showing you these three videos?

  • I think is because you want us to know not only one side of photography but also know what other parts of photography do and how they affect the world.

10. Why are none of these videos about guys???

  • Because most of the fashion designers and famous fashion companies focus more on woman. The public also focuses more on the woman's body. Guys even if they are photoshopped is not that much as woman.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Cover Types

                                                          I. Early Magazine Covers

In the early times when the magazines started they didn't really have pictures on the they were based on book covers and only had the title of what the magazine contained inside

II. The Poster Cover: Pictures that need no words

In the 1890s to the 1960s people started putting more pictures in the magazines but not that many words in the just the title and some other sentences.
III. Pictures Married to Type
During this time Magazines had more writing in themes and cover lines started to be more common.
 For example this picture has a lot of writing and the face of the model overlapping the title.
IV. In the Forest of Words
By this time magazines have a lot of writing and a brief story of what the magazine contains. Also these magazines started to have a lot of pictures, more colors and too much writing in them, pretty much everywhere.


My Favorite Cover

    Vanity Fair, November 2014, Jennifer Lawrence Just before her intimate photos were hacked--and splashed across the Web--Jennifer Lawrence posed topless for Patrick Demarchelier for the cover of Vanity Fair's November issue. As part of the accompanying cover story, she decided to break her silence about one of the biggest scandals in Hollywood this year. The Guardian called her salvo "the end of the 'shamed starlet.'" So strong was the outpouring of social-media support for Lawrence's stance that The New York Times reported on the fact "fans took to Twitter to applaud her." Demarchelier's striking photos of the Hunger Games actress also helped spark a thoughtful debate about a woman's right to reveal her body. Lawrence (and the V.F. cover) made her message loud and clear: "It's my body, and it should be my choice."

    The reason I really like this picture is because I love fashion and for me Jennifer Lawrence is representing fashion in this photo. She inspires me to try harder in life through the movies of  The Hunger Games. Those movies are very sentimental but also show how strong a woman can be when she is pushed to her limits. In this magazine cover Jennifer is sending a massage that it is her choice to show her body and that people should not judge that bad. Because of the scandals that people made about Jennifer she found herself in need to speak for herself seeing that everyone was trapping her she spoke for herself saying that it should be a woman's choice to do what ever she wants without thinking that the world is going to judge her. One of the things that I do not really like about this picture is that whoever photo shopped it they tried to made it too perfect that Jennifer's hair and face look almost fake.

Best Covers

  1.  Formal
  2. Informal
  3. Informal
  4. Environmental
  5. Informal
  6. Informal
  7. Environmental
  8. Environmental
  9. Informal
  10. Informal
  11. Formal
  12. Formal
  13. Formal
  14. Environmental
  15. Informal
  16. Formal
  17. Informal
  18. Informal

Friday, December 4, 2015

Blog #1 Magazine Tips

What I should be thinking of when I'm thinking of making my magazine cover is about the rules and the tips that fashion and magazine experts tell us about, for example:
1. Familiar recognition from issue to issue (that’s the brand)
2. Emotionally irresistible (that’s the image’s appeal)
3. Arousing curiosity (that’s to pull the casual glancer in)
4. Intellectually stimulating, interesting (that’s to promise benefits)
5. Efficient, fast, easy to scan (that’s showing off the service)
6. Worth the investment of money and time.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Self Portrait and Portrait part 1

                                                      Enviromental Portrait

  • I like this photo because I love music and dance. The girl standing with one leg represents the rhythm of the music she is listening to.

  • I like this picture because it's really interesting how the girl is in the air holding the lish of a toy in the shape of a hourse. What I like also is how the picture is focused in the girl but also has a bunch of random hourses in the back.
                                                       Photography Self  Portrait

  • I really like this picture because is really creative how where the ocean ends the shirt stops been wet. It blends in.

  • This picture is very emotional and makes me think how life can get really complicated but even then we have to try to make it better.


Casual Portrait


  • I love this picture because the mother and the baby look very happy and smily which makes me feel happy too.

  • This picture is very pretty being in black and white. The girl has a not too serious face but she is not smiling either which makes it casual.
       1. who will you shoot?   
  •   I will photoshoot my best friend.
       2. where will you shoot?
  •   I will shoot it on 360 bridge at the overlook area. It has the most beautiful view I can think of and I love the place too.
       3. what will you do to make the shot successful?
  • I will go on daylight to have the best lighting and sky view.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Self portrait and Portraits part one

B. Looking within the frame – alternatively you could have your subject looking at something (or someone) within the frame. A child looking at a ball, a woman looking at her new baby, a man looking hungrily at a big plate of pasta…. When you give your subject something to look at that is inside the frame you create a second point of interest and a relationship between it and your primary subject. It also helps create ‘story’ within the image.

14. Change the Format FramingMany photographers get stuck in a rut of only ever shooting either in ‘landscape’ (when the camera is held horizontally) or ‘portrait’ (when the camera is held vertically) modes. Look back through your images and see which one you use predominantly. Just because a vertical framing is called ‘portrait’ mode doesn’t mean you always need to use it when shooting portraits. Mix your framing up in each shoot that you do and you’ll add variety to the type of shots you take.

17. Introduce MovementPortraits can be so static – but what if you added some movement into them? This can be achieved in a few ways:

Love and Loss

1. What emotions did you feel as you worked your way through these images?

  • My heart started accelerating really fast. It made me feel really sad and like I wanted to cry. I felt like I knew how hard it was for the husband.

2. The photographer said this: "These photographs do not define us, but they are us." What do you think about this comment now that you have looked at the photos?

  • For me the meaning of the quote is that the pictures reveal a lot of a couple and that they are the ones in the pictures but their lives are not exactly that way. the story that the pictures reveal is not the real story.

3. Do you think you could shoot photos like this if you were in this situation?

  • No, I think it would be too painful for me and for my relatives to see pictures of me suffering and going through this tough time. 

4. If you could write Angelo a letter, what would you say to him?

  • I would give him my condolences and give him all the positive advice for him to keep going forward and not to give up because thats not what his wife would've wanted for him.