Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Love and Loss

1. What emotions did you feel as you worked your way through these images?

  • My heart started accelerating really fast. It made me feel really sad and like I wanted to cry. I felt like I knew how hard it was for the husband.

2. The photographer said this: "These photographs do not define us, but they are us." What do you think about this comment now that you have looked at the photos?

  • For me the meaning of the quote is that the pictures reveal a lot of a couple and that they are the ones in the pictures but their lives are not exactly that way. the story that the pictures reveal is not the real story.

3. Do you think you could shoot photos like this if you were in this situation?

  • No, I think it would be too painful for me and for my relatives to see pictures of me suffering and going through this tough time. 

4. If you could write Angelo a letter, what would you say to him?

  • I would give him my condolences and give him all the positive advice for him to keep going forward and not to give up because thats not what his wife would've wanted for him.

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