Friday, September 25, 2015

Best Story, action/emotion, the one that fills the frame with the most interesting stuff.

This picture represents the best story because its a group of people getting together honoring the American flag. This means that the American flag its important to them and they feel that they have to honor it before it is erased.

This picture represents action because most of the people in the picture are moving. The people in the picture are feeding the poor which is very generous of them. The poor people are moving, smiling, and happy that they are about to have a good meal and this represents action and emotion.

This picture is the one that fill the frame with the most interesting stuff because has two kind young men helping out to put nail by nail in the project that they are constructing. This shows that they care and the fact that they care and are helping is very interesting now that now a days people don't see that often.

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