Monday, May 9, 2016

Warm-Up & HDR Images

1. What is your favorite photo? Either describe it, or figure out a way to post it on your blog.

  • This is my favorite photo because it has the sky and it makes me think of freedom.

2. Does it seem like all of these images could have been taken with a phone?

  • No, it looks like it was taken with a camera because it looks good.

3. How much do you think the apps some of the photographers used impacted the image?

  • The apps make the pictures more clear and pretty.

4. List two tips you think might help your own photography with a phone.

  • I focus my phone in the middle of the screen to make the center very clear and the surroundings blurry a little but even.
  • When taking a panorama y try to move very slowly and even.

HDR Images

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