Saturday, January 23, 2016

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

1. Which photo do you like best? Why?

  • I liked the picture for "yummy" because most students had a paper with the word 'sweet' or 'cookies' in it but this picture has an actual fruit.
2. Which is your least favorite image? Why?

  • My least favorite picture is The End because is blurry.

3. Overall, make two positive statements about their pictures.

  • Pose is a very nice picture because is not just a normal pose, the girl is wearing a custom. Also because the picture is in black and white. 
  • Yummy is also a very nice picture because its a picture of an actual fruit. 

4. Overall, what is one area that this person could improve upon in your opinion.

  • In my opinion i believe this person could have improve a little bit more by focusing the camera a little bit more so the picture that is blurry could be more clear.

5. Which prompt do you think they did the best portraying, from your perspective?

  • I think they did the best job on portraying the picture called "pose". 

6. Which prompt do you think they did the least successfully portray, from your perspective?

  • the picture called "The End"

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